Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

December 20, 2011

Hello everyone,

Can you believe it is only a few days before Christmas?  Wow, where has the year gone?  Time certainly has a way of flying by.  My parents always told me that time flies by faster the older you get.  Well, I never really believed that until the past few years.  Now I know exactly what they were talking about.

In the spirit of Christmas, I wanted to share a few pictures with you of my Christmas tree and some of the ornaments I have collected over the years.  It has been our family Christmas tree for 22 years now.  Even though it has lost a few branches and each year more of the needles fall off, it is still one of the prettiest trees I have ever seen.  I have loved it from the time I bought it and know that it will have to be replaced soon.  It will be hard to replace because it is just perfect.  I love the deep open branches that allow me to hang many ornaments on each branch.  

So, with that said, the words from a Christmas song "Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches" comes to mind.

Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!


1 comment:

  1. I love this! So many cute ideas. Thanks for sending me an invite!
